Dynamic HTML is used to refer to a combination of HTML, CSS, Stylesheets and Scripts. The object model of HTML pages is governed by the W3C, which is constantly working towards improving usage across browsers and making pages more script friendly. The W3C DOM WG is the group working towards this goal. Browsers have always had to struggle with the static nature of HTML pages. The Internet Explorer browser is far more advanced in this regard compared to Netscape's Netscape Navigator.
Some of the features of Dynamic HTML include:
Absolute Positioning: This is the ability to use cascading style sheets to change the position of objects on pages to produce floating or dynamic effects.
Behaviors: This again refers to cascading style sheets with the capability to respond to user behavior such as mouse or keyboard actions.
Data Binding: Refers to the interaction of web pages with databases from the browser.
DOM: Or the Document Object Model is the method or schema by which page elements are seen as structured objects which can be manipulated through code.
Dynamic Content: The challenge of dynamically updating web page content is achieved by manipulating headings, body text and paragraph content through code.
Dynamic Styles: You can change the style or the way your HTML document looks by changing the font, color or style of the web page by the click of a mouse or by hover.
Scriptlets: It refers to scripts which run in the HTML pages.
ActiveX Controls/Applets: ActiveX Controls and applets are standalone objects that let users perform specialized tasks in static HTML pages.
How to Change Styles Using Dynamic HTML
It is possible to change the styles of page objects dynamically. This is done by moving the mouse over it or by clicking on it.
<Title>Dynamic Styles</Title>
<H1>Dynamic Behaviors</H1>
<Div onmouseover="this.style.fontStyle='34'">
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Some of the features of Dynamic HTML include:
Absolute Positioning: This is the ability to use cascading style sheets to change the position of objects on pages to produce floating or dynamic effects.
Behaviors: This again refers to cascading style sheets with the capability to respond to user behavior such as mouse or keyboard actions.
Data Binding: Refers to the interaction of web pages with databases from the browser.
DOM: Or the Document Object Model is the method or schema by which page elements are seen as structured objects which can be manipulated through code.
Dynamic Content: The challenge of dynamically updating web page content is achieved by manipulating headings, body text and paragraph content through code.
Dynamic Styles: You can change the style or the way your HTML document looks by changing the font, color or style of the web page by the click of a mouse or by hover.
Scriptlets: It refers to scripts which run in the HTML pages.
ActiveX Controls/Applets: ActiveX Controls and applets are standalone objects that let users perform specialized tasks in static HTML pages.
How to Change Styles Using Dynamic HTML
It is possible to change the styles of page objects dynamically. This is done by moving the mouse over it or by clicking on it.
<Title>Dynamic Styles</Title>
<H1>Dynamic Behaviors</H1>
<Div onmouseover="this.style.fontStyle='34'">
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